Whether or not this Swine Flu is the ‘ONE’ that will become a pandemic is debatable. (I won’t debate because I don’t have enough info yet and besides, I'm too busy getting ready.) Regardless, this should serve as a wake up call to you to be ready just in case…I’d rather be ready a year too soon then find myself not ready a minute too late.
Please take a minute to visit the following site for updates, http://blog.totallyready.com/ or you can also check the Center for disease control (CDC) website here, http://www.cdc.gov/swineflu/investigation.htm or the World Health Organization (WHO) here, http://www.who.int/csr/disease/swineflu/en/index.html
Take some time to evaluate where your gaps are in your preparedness efforts. Follow the Prophet and get your 3 month supply of food as soon as you can. Now would be a great time to sacrifice some of the luxuries that we are accustomed to living with in order to be obedient to counsel. Do NOT go into debt and don’t panic but be prudent following the Spirit and heeding the promptings that you receive. Do the best that you can and you will be blessed.
Please take a minute to visit the following site for updates, http://blog.totallyready.com/ or you can also check the Center for disease control (CDC) website here, http://www.cdc.gov/swineflu/investigation.htm or the World Health Organization (WHO) here, http://www.who.int/csr/disease/swineflu/en/index.html
Take some time to evaluate where your gaps are in your preparedness efforts. Follow the Prophet and get your 3 month supply of food as soon as you can. Now would be a great time to sacrifice some of the luxuries that we are accustomed to living with in order to be obedient to counsel. Do NOT go into debt and don’t panic but be prudent following the Spirit and heeding the promptings that you receive. Do the best that you can and you will be blessed.